10 Fun Things You Can Buy at Bookshop.org
Bookshop.org is so much more than novels. Positioning themselves as the Amazon alternative, Bookshop boasts a whole host of fun things that you can buy right on their site along with your latest reads.
10 Books Everyone Should Own (Or At Least Read Once)
Everybody has their favorites, but these books should be on everyone’s shelves. At least in my opinion.
8 Books You’ll Love If You Like These Movies
Movies and books don’t often go together. Especially if they’re adaptations, but I couldn’t resist these combinations.
4 Books and Their Song Soulmates
Books and music just go together. Like peanut butter and jelly. And as I hunt down songs to perfectly match the book I’m reading I’ve compile a list for us all to enjoy!
5 Inspirational Books To Read Right Now
So much inspiration, so little time. But here are a handful of books you must read now for optimal inspiration!
4 Podcasts That Keep Me Going (and Learning)
Podcasts are one my favorite options for passing the time and finding unique entertainment. Here are four that keep me locked in and loving every minute!
My Favorite Magical Reads for Halloween
Spooky is typically not my jam, but these more magical reads are perfect for the spooky season!
5 Things I’ve Learned Since Freelancing
Starting your own business is…interesting. But you learn a lot along the way and we’re not here to gatekeep this knowledge, no matter how trivial it is. Here’s what I’ve learned as a freelancer.
My Summertime Reading Wish List
Summer is upon us and it’s time to bust out that summer TBR and get it done!
My 2022 To-Be-Read List
The TBR continues to grow, but I’m plugging away at shrinking it with these 2022 to-be-reads.
Book Quotes: A Collection
A collection of book quotes is a must for every book lover. Mine used to be tacked up on a crowded cork board, and now they live here on this book blog.
My 2020 in Books…So Far
2020 was rough, but I got some good reading in! This is my reading so far.
The Definitive Reading & Listening Guide to Constance Hale’s “Sin and Syntax” – Part II
Constance Hale created a masterpiece in Sin and Syntax. It’s only right that we explore all the resources she gives us, including the extensive list of artists, books, songs, and more!
The Definitive Reading & Listening Guide to Constance Hale’s “Sin and Syntax” – Part I
Constance Hale knows exactly what we all need - an extensive list of amazing people who shape the way we use words and understand our language.
Life: Fantastically Ordinary
Sometimes, it’s okay if life is fantastically ordinary. It’s time we let go of expectations and give ourselves permission to just live the life we want to live. No pushing, no forcing, no reaching.
The Waste Land: My Best Photos of London Fog
Fog is a London staple. Stay there long enough and you’ll get some pretty fantastic photos of the iconic London fog and all its glory.
My Top 10 Travel Tips: London
Traveling to London (and the UK in general) is a special joy. As a first-time traveler, there’s lots to see and so little time, so here are my best tips for traveling to and exploring London.
“I Should Totally Start a Blog!” – A Memoir by Me
Many thoughts went into starting a blog, but it finally happened and I’ve been somewhat consistent in keeping it up. So welcome!
Become a Book Club VIP!
The Austen, etc. book club is an email-based, chill, no-pressure book club that encourages slow reading and, of course, a never-ending love of Jane Austen.