“I Should Totally Start a Blog!” – A Memoir by Me

I should totally start a blog!

Honestly, I have been saying this exact phrase for years. At every turning point in my life I would make this statement. In college, I was momentarily inspired, and started a blog that now stands forgotten with only a handful of posts to indicate its standing as my most successful blog attempt. For classes and other random projects I utilized the blogosphere (my favorite is this one), but never found the inspiration to stay with it beyond the semester. 

Beyond those few attempts, I have thought about starting a blog a lot without making it past the thinking part. Typically, I would get hooked up on coming up with a name (you see how that turned out—I originally landed on just using my name), whether or not I had the writing chops to stick with a blog, and if I even had anything interesting to talk about. But this time, once I decided I was going to jump in, I was determined to do it the right way.

I’ve spent an insanely confusing, and doubt riddled two weeks researching everything from already established successful blogs, blog design, names, and hosting, to advertising, CSS, content, themes, funding, inspiration, drawbacks, and everything in between. And it all imploded into what you see before you; a blog, written by me.

So here I am. I’ve begun, and I’m determined to be successful. I’m not anticipating much from this, but I’m hoping to hold myself accountable enough to actually apply myself to this project. This is, like I said, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’ve finally taken the jump, it’s time to sink or swim.

I’ve worked out some bits and pieces of content, but it’s a work in progress and there will be many experiments as I figure out the exact flow and feel of this space. So hang on tight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. I will say though, that common content will include the struggle of trying to figure out life (I’ve recently graduated and have been floundering ever since), some recipes, my unfortunately limited travel adventures, books, some life successes, and much much more!

Also, if you’re interested in following along in all of the ways possible, find me on Instagram (@elainemarieblog) and Pinterest!


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