My 2022 To-Be-Read List

Note: This post was transferred from an older site and does not contain any updates.

This sucker is going to be short because I’m too defiant to even listen to myself. I’ve set many goals like this before and I never follow through, so jokes on me for even posting this. But, no matter, all of these are at least on the list to be read in the near future. If it doesn’t happen in 2022, so be it. Without further ado, here is my 2022 to-be-read list.

1. Imperfect Courage by Jessica Honegger

Let’s start with one I’m already halfway through (promising, right?). Imperfect Courage covers Jessica’s personal journey of doing all the things she wanted to do … while scared. Her mantra is “do it scared” and she talks a lot about her motherhood, adoption, and entrepreneur journey. While I can’t relate to all of those positions, I can certainly relate to the fear part, so I’m hoping to glean some inspo from Jessica.

2. Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham

I saw Midnight in Chernobyl in a book store and snapped a photo so I could remember to find it in the library ASAP. Obviously Chernobyl holds a lot of secrets and tragedy, so I’m excited to hunt this down.

3. Red Queen, Glass Sword, and King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard

Victoria Aveyard’s series has been on the to-be-read list for a while and I think this year is the year! Woohoo!

4. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Oy vey, this has also been on the list for some time – I just keep going back to Persuasion instead of plodding on and reading new classic novels. But North and South, the series, holds a special place in my heart, so the book is a must. *Moment of silence to appreciate the BBC adaptation’s end kiss from North and South*

5. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Another one that’s been languishing away on the to-be-read list. This is the year of cleaning up the TBR list apparently. But I’m super excited for this one. I started The Picture of Dorian Gray a while ago, but for some reason didn’t push through the chatting in the first pages. I feel it in my bones; I’m ready this year.

I’m going to leave it there so as to alleviate the pressure. Here’s to a year of accomplishing reading goals!🥂

Have your own reading goals? Let me know what’s on your to-be-read list by tagging me (@austen.etc) on Instagram. And follow me on Goodreads here.

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