My Favorite Magical Reads for Halloween

Note: This post is transferred from an old site. Limited edits have been made.

To be completely honest, I'm not a Halloween kinda gal. I'm not one for the scary and frightful and gory. It's just not my jam. I figure, I already think and worry about the worst-case-scenario, I don't really need someone to commit it to paper or film and put it to creepy music for me. I'm good. But, alas, the spookiest weekend of the year is upon us, and I felt I should post something in the spirit(s). So, here are my favorite magical reads for Halloween (I guarantee you, they aren't scary at all 🙃).

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

You thought I was going to start with Harry Potter didn't you? Well, ha! I threw you off your rhythm.

The Starless Sea is a seriously underrated book. I read it, I loved it, and I'm ready to be hurt again (as the kids say these days). With magic, books, honey, love stories, and mystery, this book really has it all. I will always recommend it to people who don't mind a little fantasy and some cozy vibes.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Maybe I just love Erin Morgenstern books, or maybe she's just great at writing atmospheric, magical books. Integrating a magic system and a romance/rivalry that spans years, The Night Circus is a great fall read.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

I know, I know, they aren't technically "doing magic", but there is a magic-like system in Shadow and Bone and I absolutely LOVED the world Bardugo built. I love her use of Russian culture and religion, her exploration of another world within a familiar one, and her ability to keep the story moving.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

I went into this one with zero expectations or knowledge which isn't usually how I roll. I'm a researcher when it comes to books. But, in true Neil Gaiman fashion, I was not disappointed. Again, there's no real magic in The Graveyard Book, but it's got ghosts and fantastical happenings, so I'm counting it.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Maybe magic wasn't the right word to use in the title of this post...

Who doesn't love a good classic novel about a reanimated corpse? Mary Shelley's classic is an obvious go-to for Halloween weekend. It was one of the only books I whizzed through in high school, so it holds a special place in my heart as "readable”—which is what every book on my shelf aspires to.

What are your favorite spooky-but-not-scary books for the Halloween season?

Happy reading!

This post contains affiliate links but I do not recommend products or sites that I do not trust.


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