A Book Read A Thousand Times: Persuasion

This is just a quick appreciation post dedicated to Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

First of all, I’d like to express my greatest gratitude to this book (ergo Jane Austen) for introducing the exemplary character of Anne Elliot. I immediately fell in love with Anne’s example of humility and patience as life — whether through the sought and unsought advice of others or the simple twisting of fate in general — throws everything annoying and unbearable onto her path.

I love how she regrets, but resolves to be better. I love her command of herself, and her love for her family without falling into their horrible habits and opinions. She is quiet, but experience has hardened her against swaying with anyone else’s wind. Her pride exists without ego, and her emotions are never coupled with hysteria.

And then there’s Captain Wentworth. Move a little to your left Darcy, we have the forever devotion of Captain Wentworth. He’s quiet, respectful, and great with words.

“A man does not recover from such a devotion of the heart to such a woman! He ought not – he does not.”

Jane Austen, Persuasion

The two of them together make the world a better place. They prove that love can be blissfully ignorant of time and space and circumstances. The evolution of each is influenced by the other until they are thrown together again and realize they weren’t stupid kids and probably should’ve listened to their hearts from the start.

There aren’t many books that I read annually, but this one always makes the reading list.

Thank you for your time, and happy reading!


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