50 Bookish Questions

Sometimes you just need to answer a whole bunch of questions about your reading habits. I think it’s become apparent that I’m not great at keeping up with this blog, so I’m giving myself a freebie here (almost) and answering 50 bookish questions so you all can get a glimpse of my bookshelf and into my mind (God speed to you all).

Note: I got this list of questions from Bookfoxes Read Until Dawn.

PC: Elaine Atherholt

1. What was the last book you read?

I just finished Olivie Blake’s The Atlas Six.

2. Was it a good one?


3. What made it good?

See above. But one thing that I liked about it was the multiple-person viewpoint. It added nice breaks and different perspectives of the same event (per usual). It also helped with pacing which I think would have suffered otherwise.

4. Would you recommend it to other people?

Probably not. Sorry Olivie Blake…

5. How often do you read?

Not enough! I wish I could say every day but I’m a weak person and usually fill my evenings with nothingness.

6. Do you like to read?


7. What was the last bad book you read?

The Atlas Six is definitely on there, but I think The Daughter of the Pirate King beat out even The Atlas Six. It’s rough out there, folks.

8. What made you dislike it?

The Daughter of the Pirate King and The Atlas Six made promises they didn’t keep. Pirate King promised a fast-paced, pirate thriller with a female Captain Jack Sparrow (sadly didn’t deliver in my opinion), and The Atlas Six promised dark academia (lots of hype and not the delivery I was expecting). In both there was something missing in the atmosphere, the character development, and the exploration of the world as a whole.

9. Do you wish to be a writer?

I would love to be a writer! Technically, I already am a writer in the sense that I’m a copywriter by trade, but a novel is on the horizon…I can feel it.

10. Has any book ever influenced you greatly?

Yes! Quiet by Susan Cain and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

11. Do you read fan fiction?

No, I’m not a big fan fiction person.

12. Do you write fan fiction?

I’ve been tempted to, but it’s not really my thing.

13. What’s your favorite book?

This is like asking a parent who their favorite child is…they probably have an answer, but they don’t want to say it out loud and admit it. Having said that, it’s a toss up between Persuasion by Jane Austen and The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George.

14. What’s your least favorite book?

I think I have to go back to Daughter of the Pirate King. Ugh, I hate saying that…

15. Do you prefer physical books or read on a device?

Physical books, please.

16. When did you learn to read?

At the normal time??? I don’t know, five years old? But I didn’t learn to appreciate it until after high school.

17. What is your favorite book you had to read in school?

I loved Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies, and The Odyssey…that’s all I can remember that were definitely from school. See? It’s hard to pick a favorite.

18. What is your favorite book series?

Ooh. The Hunger Games is absolutely at the top. But I do love Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. And, obviously, Harry Potter. (As you can see, I’m great at picking favorites….)

19. Who is your favorite author?

In terms of whose work I’ve read all of? Jane Austen. In terms of just generally loving them? Erin Morgenstern.

20. What is your favorite genre?

I think light fantasy fiction? Is that a genre? Think Erin Morgenstern books, I guess. But I read a bit of everything.

21. Who is your favorite character in a book series?

Samwise Gamgee. Hands down. Next question, please.

22. Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?

The Shadow and Bone trilogy as well as the Six of Crows duology. I just felt like I was inside that world every step of the way. Loved it.

23. Which book do you wish had a sequel?

None? I’m not a sequel person. I honestly like one-off books that wrap the story up in a nice little bow. I’ve actually purposefully not read sequels to certain books because they just seemed unnecessary.

24. Which book do you wish DIDN’T have a sequel?

If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I liked the first one and didn’t think a sequel was necessary.

25. How long does it take you to read a book?

Far too long. I’m a painfully slow reader, and always have been.

26. Do you like when books become movies?

Sometimes. I like seeing the interpretation and seeing the world/story come to life. But if they butcher it, I have issues. Lookin’ at you, Netflix.

27. Which book was ruined by its movie adaption?

First off, the book can never be ruined because it will always be whole and as it always was. But I’m not sure what happened when they were writing the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince script…like how hard is it to follow the book?? And we won’t talk about the latest adaptation of Persuasion because I’ve already vented (and maybe cried a little) about it.

28. Which movie has done a book justice?

The Lord of the Rings series by Peter Jackson. Beautiful! 

29. Do you read newspapers?


30. Do you read magazines?


31. Do you prefer newspapers or magazines?


32. Do you read while in bed?

Yes! To the great chagrin of my posture.

33. Do you read while on the toilet?

I have, but I try not to make a habit of it because I kinda feel like that’s germy.

34. Do you read while in the car?

Yes! But as I age I’m becoming more and more susceptible to motion sickness, so those days are numbered.

35. Do you read while in the bath?

More of a shower gal. But also, I don’t trust myself to read in the bath because that sucker would most definitely end up in the water.

36. Are you a fast reader?

Heck to the no, friends.

37. Are you a slow reader?

Heck to the yes, friends.

38. Where is your favorite place to read?

The sofa with my weighted blanket and a cup of tea.

39. Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read?

Sometimes. Weirdly, music always helps me concentrate more.

40. Do you need a room to be silent while you read?

Nope, that actually makes my focus even worse.

41. Who gave you your love for reading?

My mom (shout out to her for homeschooling), my dad (shout out to him for reading to me and my siblings at night), and my priest’s wife who gave me my copy of Jane Eyre.

42. What book is next on your list to read?

Right now, it’s Shady Characters by Keith Houston.

43. When did you start to read chapter books?

I guess I was 7/8?

44. Who is your favorite children’s book author?

Lemony Snicket or Mary Pope Osborne.

45. Which author would you most want to interview?

J.R.R. Tolkien. We would have tea, he would talk for hours, and it would all be fascinating.

46. Which author do you think you’d be friends with?

I’d hope Jane Austen.

47. What book have you reread the most?

Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

48. Which books do you consider “classics”?

Anything Charles Dickens, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre and anything by the Brontë sisters, Agatha Christie books, The Lord of the Rings, Little Women, All Creatures Great and Small, Sherlock Holmes.

49. Which books do you think should be taught in every school?

All classics! Like, go back a long way and read all of those books. Romantic poetry, and poetry from around the world. C.S. Lewis, and also I think just a Classics education in general.

50. Which books should be banned from all schools?

Anything explicitly sexual… and for the record, I think it’s sad that I have to say that at all. It should be taken for granted that children and minors aren’t given sexually explicit books.

Copy this tag and post it on your own blog! Tag me (@austen.etc) in your Instagram Stories too to let me know your answers to some of these questions.

Also, if you want, follow me on Goodreads to see just how long it takes me to read a book (hint: it’s a long time).

This post may contain affiliate links, but I don’t recommend any products or sites I don’t trust!


The New & Ruined Persuasion


The Art of Buying Books on Amazon.com